Please join us for our November monthly Big Country SHRM meeting at Abilene Country Club from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM.
Topic: Love and Care Ministries
Speaker: Mark Hewitt
Love and Care Ministries
Love and Care Ministries began as a vision that God placed in the hearts of two men who were called to minister to the homeless of their community. God led these men to the streets, under bridges and in abandoned buildings where they found people in desperate need. With the mighty armor of prayer and twenty large hot cups of soup, they hit the streets that first Sunday in January 1995 serving from the back of their pick up truck.
Love and Care Ministries has grown significantly over the years to offer the following to people in need:
Food Ministry, Clothing Ministry, Mobile Medical & Mobile Dental Ministry, Day & Night Strikes, Christ Kidz Ministry, Tent Revival, Christmas on the Street, Rescue Abilene, Life on the Street, Mission Thanksgiving, and Partnership with Schools and so much more!
Please join us to learn more about Love and Care ministries and how you and your organization can make a difference in our community!
Speaker Bio:
Mark Hewitt is the Co-Founder and the Executive Director of Love and Care Ministries, which began in January of 1995 in the back of a pick up truck. He Founded an inner city church for the homeless and poor called The Mission in March of 1997 in Abilene, where he Pastored for seven years.
As he continued to follow his calling in July of 1997 Mark walked away from a well paying job known as "West Texas Utliltes" to love and care for "the least of these." Mark has traveled the country sharing stories of his life's calling, preaching, teaching, training and helping churches to love people.
As a result of the passion, he served as the Evangelism Advisory Council for Big Country Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Evangelism Strategic Planning Council in Dallas, team advocate for Cooper High School Varsity Football, 1-Kingdom Board of city-wide Pastors, and now serves as Pastor at First Baptist Church in Baird, Tx.
Learning Objectives
Learn about the mission of Love and Care ministries
Learn different ways that your organization can partner with Love and Care ministries